Fripassagerare ses som omoraliska

Utom i ett fall:

Our findings demonstrate that free riding is always perceived as a morally blameworthy action, except for one case in which it is seen as morally praiseworthy. The exceptional case is the one, which we will call ”ratting on a rat”, in which the judged free rider moves second, after observing that the other player has free ridden too.

Tänk på hur du beter dig: ditt beteende kan smitta! ”Om någon gör så, kan andra också göra så”, tycks många resonera.

Källa: Cubitt, Robin P., Drouvelis, Michalis, Gächter, Simon och Kabalin, Ruslan (2009). ”Moral Judgment in Social Dilemmas: How Bad Is Free Riding?” CeDEx Discussion Paper 2009-15, University of Nottingham.