Faran med nya regleringar

Som jag har klargjort tidigare är jag själv inte särskilt insatt i den finansiella krisens orsaker och verkningar. Makroekonomen Erik Hurst verkar däremot kunnig. Han varnar för lättsinniga krav på (mer) regleringar:

But we need to be careful to avoid the knee-jerk reaction of policy makers to “re-regulate,” which will stifle innovation and competition. Any sensible proposal must give equal weight to both the costs and benefits of financial innovation. Unfortunately, politicians tend to emphasize only the cost side of the ledger in times of crisis. We must remember that, too often, financial regulation hurts the good banks more than the bad, and the needy borrowers more than the less needy. Doing nothing, it terms of regulation, may risk a precipitous financial crisis. Doing the wrong thing — and regulating too much — would undoubtedly yield even larger, albeit less immediate, risks.

Länkar till fler kommentarer återfinns här. Ekonomer är inte så tysta som Bo Rothstein tror.